4-H and FFA Discount Application JAX is proud to support 4-H and FFA. Please complete the information to apply for the appropriate discount. Once approved, you will receive a coupon that needs to be presented at the time of purchase so you may receive your discount. We are happy to be a part of your 4-H and FFA project and want to wish you good luck and lots of fun this season!Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Participant's First Name *Participant's Last Name *Email *Phone Number *Participant's Birthdate *Zip Code *City *State *ALAKAZARCACOCTDEFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWYWhich JAX store location would you like to pick up the discount coupon when ready? *Select Store1 JAX Fort Collins Outdoor Gear 1200 N College Ave Fort Collins, CO2 JAX Fort Collins Farm & Ranch 1000 North Hwy 287 Fort Collins, CO3 JAX Ames Outdoor Gear 4723 W Lincoln Way Ames, IA4 JAX Loveland Outdoor Gear, Farm & Ranch 950 E Eisenhower Blvd Loveland, CO5 JAX Lafayette Outdoor Gear 900 S Hwy 287 Lafayette, CO6 JAX Lafayette Farm & Ranch 400 W South Boulder Road Lafayette, CO7 JAX Loveland West Outdoor Gear, Farm & Ranch 2665 W Eisenhower Blvd Loveland, CO8 JAX Broomfield Outdoor Gear, Farm & Ranch 5005 W 120th Ave Broomfield, CO9 JAX Cheyenne Outdoor Gear, Farm & Ranch 1400 Dell Range Blvd Cheyenne, WY4-H or FFA Group Information4-H or FFA Group Name *Leader or Advisor's First Name *Leader or Advisor's Last Name *Leader or Advisor's Email *County You're Showing In *Date of County Fair *Animals to be Shown or Project Topic *Steer or HeiferHogPoultryHorseLlamaRabbitLamb or GoatDogTo help us better server you, please select the animals that you will be showing at fair this year or enter your project topic under “Other”.Other Project *Terms and Conditions *By checking this box, I agree to the Terms and Conditions below.I certify that I have answered truthfully and have not knowingly withheld any information relative to my application. I understand that any misrepresentation or material omission of this application will result in my being eliminated from further consideration. I further understand that, if my application is accepted, any misrepresentation or material omission which becomes known to JAX Mercantile Co. will result in immediate termination of my discounts. Discounts are limited to use by 4-H & FFA Members Only. Leaders, Parents or Members older then 19 do not qualify for the program. If Members, Leaders or Parents are found to be abusing the program, their account/discount will be canceled immediately and any balance owed will be due in full. 4-H and FFA Members will be opted in to email and marketing communications, but can opt out at any time.NameSubmit Discount Application